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LegendaryToys LT-03B LT03B Nemesis Prime MTCD-01SP 18cm
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Features:  1:1 KO version of MTCD01SP, An extremely cool LT03 LT-03 Nemesis Prime (Optimus prime) from Legendary Toys (4th /3rd party Transformer Manufacturer). You see clearly from the picture why we call it weapon master ^^  Classic blue and red colors remind you of those old memories.  Up to 9 kinds of single weapons can be equipped, as some of them can be combined into new ones. Use your imagination and have fun. Several unique and interesting designs have been implemented in the process of transformation (For instance, the two war axes work as top exhaust pipes when in truck form, which is very creative). Pls see LT-03 for more detailed photos.    Status:  2021-4 New batch in stock.  Parameters: Producer Legendary Toys ( LT ) Size Robot Form Approx. 18cm (7 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note More than 9 kinds of weapons can be equipped,   
Takara Tomy MP09 MP-09 Rodimus Prime (Convoy) Reissue 25cm
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Features:  MP-09 Rodimus Prime is a masterpiece of the year from the offical, paying homage to the great figures from the vintage G1 2010 line-up! Total pack includes:- Main Figure  of MP-09- Trailer (Highly articulated)- Photon Lasers × 2 (can be combined to form Rodimus large rifle) - Saw Blade Hand Attachment - Welding Tool Attachment - Matrix of Leadership - Coin  for collector- Card for collector Parameters: Producer Takara Tommy Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine MP series from Takara Tommy, Not KO.  
Iron Factory IF EX-29 EX29 Rush Beats (Jazz) 9cm
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Features: EX29 Rush Beats  is a legendary-sized but exquisite presentation of G1 Classic Jazz by Iron Factory . (Famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys)It transforms into classic race car. The robot is small but with no simplification in its painting, movability and fun in the process of transformation.   Parameters: Producer Iron Factory (IF) Size Robot Form Approx. 9cm (4.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Shipment From China Note Legendary sized presentation of G1 Classic Jazz    
MasterMind Creations MMC R29 R-29 Aero Alpha 19cm
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Features: R-29 Aero Alpha is another masterpiece made by Mastermind Creations / MMC (3rd party Transfomer), the fearless robot samurai should be the best toy made by MMC so far.   - Weapons: 2 × short blades, 1 × legendary long blade - Transform into  floating race vehicle.    Status: 2019-2 In stock.    Parameters: Producer MasterMind Creations (MMC) Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS, PVC Shipment From China Note Robot samurai with 3 blades    
Fanstoys FT-24 Rouge Arcee 19cm
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Features: FT-24 Rouge, nothing more to say but the best Arcee ever, a masterpiece by Fanstoys (One of the best 3rd party transformer studio) . Maybe a little bit awkward in the design of transformation, but the robot form is perfect.  Parameters: Producer Fanstoys (FT) Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Perfect presentation of G1 Classic role.     
Generation Toy GT-03 GT03 IDW Optimus Prime 24cm
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Features: This GT-03 Optimus Prime, another masterpiece by Generation Toy (3rd party transformer producer), stands 24cm (9.5 inches) tall with fantastic movability  (much better than the Classic MP10) would definitely be another desirable choice of your collections. Transform and roll out.  Smart and smooth design of deformation process. Perfect presentation of truck form (Seamless)   Status: 2019-6 reissue version with new color tone In stock(a little bit different from the product photo.)   Parameters: Producer Generation Toy (GT) Size Robot Form Approx. 24cm (9.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Inspired by IDW Comic    
TFC Toys STC-01A STC01A ST Commander Thunder (Optimus Prime) 25cm
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Features: STC-01A Supreme Tactical Commander (Optimus Prime) is an original design of TFC TOYS. - Compatible size with official MP series, 25cm in normal and 29cm in hyper mode.- Rubber tires + Hydraulic support base + Scout tank+ Detachable missiles.- 5mm standard sockets to make the weapons freely equipped anywhere. - Original battle base mode added, besides the traditional robot and truck form.  Status 2019-5 Reissue version in stock.  *Note: TFSAFARI special bonus for the reissue version: 3 × High-articulation military figures (as is shown in the product photo) for different sceneries with the striker commander.  Parameters: Producer TFC TOYS Size Robot Form Approx. 25cm (10 Inches) Tall Material PVC, Diecast / Alloy Part Shipment From China Note G1 Classic Color, Special Base Mode added Accessories  Hypermode Armor ×1, Laser Cannon ×1, Scout Tank ×1    
Takara Tommy MP42 MP-42 Cordon ( Redeco) 15CM
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Features: MP42 Cordon is a Diaclone redeco of Sunstreaker.    Parameters:  Producer TAKARA TOMMY Size Robot Form Approx. 15cm (6 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Genuine Official Version (Hongkong / Japan), Not KO    


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