Go Better Studio

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Go Better Studio GX-22 GX22 Gap fillers for WFC Kingdom Rattrap (Beast) Upgrade Kit

 Features: A pair of hip gap fillers designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Kingdom Rattrap in the BW line. The fillers are of the similar details as the that of the original figure.    Note:  1. The main Rattrap figure is for display only, it is not included in this set.  2. The set comes as painted in the product photo.3. All the gap fillers and upgrade kits can be included in the vehicle mode, and no need to be removed for transformation.    Status: 2021-8 In stock.    Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Megatron (Beast) Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
Go Better Studio GX-21 GX21 Weapons and Upgrade Kits for WFC Kingdom Megatron (Beast) Upgrade Kit
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 Features:  A brand new set designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Kingdom Megatron (Beast), the T-rex in the BW line.   The whole set includes: 1 x Shot gun (articulated) 1 x Aiming scope 1 x Toothbrush 2 x covers for the hip 1 x cover for the arm 1 x Gunstock Note:  1. The main Megatron (Beast) figure is for display only, it is not included in this set.  2. The set comes as painted in the product photo.3. All the gap fillers and upgrade kits can be included in the vehicle mode, and no need to be removed for transformation.    Status: 2021-7 In stock.   Quick 60s cut installation video for this set:   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Megatron (Beast) Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Go Better Studio GX-06B GX06B Uptrade Kit for WFC Kingdom Inferno ( Upgrade Kit+ Gap Fillers)

Features: This is a newly designed upgrade kit for WFC Kingdom Inferno by Go Better Studio. Pls follow the product pics and the video listed as below for installation.  Whole set includes: 15 filler parts for the figure.  - The filler parts on the arms can help hide the fists in vehicle modes - An communicator is added to the arm.  Note:1. Only painted set is available for this set. 2. The main toy figure ( Inferno ) is not included in the weapon set.  3. All painting is done manually, minor defects can not be avoided, it's better for you to buy unpainted garage kits and customize the color by yourself if you have strict requirement on the painting.4. All gap filler parts are compatible to the vehicle mode (No need to remove any of the parts for transformation. )   Status: 2021-4 1st batch in stock.  Quick 60s Installation Video as below: Parameters:  Producer...
Go Better Studio GX-20 GX20 Chest Filler and Jet Pack for WFC Kingdom Optimus Primal Upgrade Kit
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Features:  A brand new set designed by Go Better Studio for WFC Kingdom Optimus Primal.   The whole set includes: 1 x cover for the chest (Plug-in, moveable, perfectly fit to the Gorilla mode) 1 x Jet pack (Plug-in,  with 3mm sockets, needs to be removed before transforming into Gorilla) 2 x covers for the screws on the hips.  Quick 60s cut installation video for this set:     Note:  1. The main Optimus Primal figure is for display only, it is not included in this set.  2. The set comes as painted in the product photo. 3. All the gap fillers and upgrade kits can be included in the vehicle mode, and no need to be removed for transformation.      Status: 2021-10 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Go Better Studio Size Fit to WFC Kingdom Optimus Primal Material 3D printed Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 


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