Flash Sale

4th Party No Brand JH01 JH-01 KO MPM11 MPM-11 Ratchet ( Enhanced Details & Painting) 19cm / 7.5"
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Features:  *Note: Last set in stock. No spare part service is available now for this set. This is a 1:1 KO version of the MPM11 Ratchet from the official line, with enhanced details on painting.    Status: 2022-12 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer N/A Size Robot Form Approx. 19cm (7.5 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Diecast Shipment From China Note KO Version  
4th Party BS-04 BS04 FL-01 FL01 KO UT R04 R-04 Nero (Bayverse Galvatron) 31cm / 12.2"
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Features:  *Note: last set in stock. No spare part is available now for this figure.  This is the KO version of UT R04 Nero with some modification and improvements. It is probably done by BMB. The size would be a little bit taller than the UT R04 Nero.     Status Update: 2023-4 New batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer 4th Party, Black Mamba Size Robot Form Approx. 31cm (12 Inches) Tall Material ABS + Diecast / Alloy parts Shipment From China Note Bayverse Galvatron  
【Deluxe Version】Weijiang WJ W8086 M-05 M05 Hide Shadow Blackout Oversized SS08 SS-08 (Set B w/ Senario) 32cm / 12.5"
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Features:  *Note:No post-sale service can be offered now by the factory. Customer needs to take the risk of defect by yourselves.  This WEIJIANG M-05 Hide Shadow is the modified version of SS08, with upgraded features as below: - Detatchable & 180° Rotatable propeller, making robot form more coordinated.  - Tremendous filling of the wholes on the surface in the original design of SS08, making the helicopter form more smoothie and seamless.  - Modified arms and shoulders, closer to the original image in the movie (with missles on the shoulders fully reserved) - Movable hand, whist, and fingers.  - Modifed shank, with spring plate added and modifed feet (3 toes to 5 toes), making robot form more closer to the original image in the film.  - Scalable oil pipe on the head of the helicopter form.  - Rubber tyre added with front wheel becoming rotatable.  - improved metallic painting, improved head carving and...
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Magic Square MS Toys MS-B39A Crane Hook & MS-B40A Load Long Haul Constructor Devastator Combiner Set B (2 in 1 set)10cm / 4"
$59.99 $74.99

Features:  *Note: This link is for the latest Metallic Version. The MS Toys Constructor or Devastator Combiner  include 3 x 2 in 1 sets as below, in homage to G1 Devastator: MS-B37A Shovel Master & MS-B38A Roller Master MS -B39A Hook  & MS -B40A Long Haul  MS-B41A  Excavator & MS -B42A Bulldozer Each set would include certain parts of the accessories needed for the final combination, and you get all the 3 sets you get all you need for the final combiner (no need to buy more accessories). All the accessories combines into the main body of the combiner (see photo) as well as a double-driller in the team mode.     Status:  2023-9 Reissue batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Combiner form 25cm / 9.85" Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Constructor    
Magic Square MS Toys MS-B41A Excavator (Scavenger) & MS-B42A Bulldozer (Bonecrusher) Constructor Devastator Combiner (2 in 1 set)10cm / 4"
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Features:  *Note: This link is for the latest Metallic Version (2 in 1 set of MS-B41A Excavator (Scavenger) & MS-B42A Bulldozer (Bonecrusher)) The MS Toys Constructor or Devastator Combiner  include 3 x 2 in 1 sets as below, in homage to G1 Devastator: MS-B37A Shovel Master & MS-B38A Roller Master MS -B39A Hook  & MS -B40A Long Haul  MS-B41A  Excavator & MS -B42A Bulldozer Each set would include certain parts of the accessories needed for the final combination, and you get all the 3 sets you get all you need for the final combiner (no need to buy more accessories). All the accessories combines into the main body of the combiner (see photo) as well as a double-driller in the team mode.     Status:  2023-8 Reissued batch in stock.   Parameters: Producer Magic Square (MS-Toys) Size Robot Form 10cm Material ABS Plastic Shipment From China Note Legendary-sized Constructor    
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Movie Collector MC04 MC-04 Einstein ( Brains Legends Class fit to SS series) Dr Wu 8cm / 3.15"
$28.99 $32.99

Features: Dr.Wu's new series of legends class movie series figures with its size coordinated to the official Studio Series figures.  The MC04 Einstein (in homage to bayverse Brains) transforms into a tiny laptop and is with impressive details despite its extremely small size.     Status: 2024-5 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size 8cm / 3.15" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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Dr.Wu & Mechanic Studio Movie Collector MC04B MC-04B Einstein ( Brains Legends Class fit to SS series) Dr Wu Black Version 8cm / 3.15"
$28.99 $32.99

Features: Dr.Wu's new series of legends class movie series figures with its size coordinated to the official Studio Series figures.  The MC04B Einstein (in homage to bayverse Brains) transforms into a Notebook computer and is with impressive details despite its extremely small size.     Status: 2024-6 In stock.   Parameters:  Producer Dr.Wu Studio Size Robot Form Height 8cm / 3.15" Material Plastic Shipment From China Note Upgrade Kit 
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【Standard Version】4th Party MHZ Toys MHM01 MHM-01 Supreme Commander (Oversized Studio Series 102 SS102 RotB OP)Standard Version 20cm / 8"
$16.99 $23.99

Features: (1) This link is for the Standard Version.  (2) We offer different buy options for this figure. Pls make sure you choose right one you want.   (3) Comparing to the Collector's version, there are several parts NOT included in this set. See product photo for details. Oversized Studio Series SS102 Optimus Prime with die-cast parts added and multiple accessories coming together with the figure.   It can also be connected with APC001 Trailer.  APC001 Trailer   Status: 2024-4 New batch in stock.    Parameters: Producer MHZ Toys Size Robot Form Approx. 20 cm (8 Inches) Tall Material ABS Plastic + Alloy / Diecast Shipment From China Note Oversized SS102  


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