【Pre-Order】Iron Factory IF EX-43R EX43R Primal Commander Scarlet (Optimus Primal) Beast War BW IronFactory 12cm / 4.5"

Quick Overview

  Features: This EX-43R Primal Commander Scarlet (in homage to Optimus Primal in Beast War) by Iron Factory(Famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys) transforms into an armed gorilla.   Status: Said to be...
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This EX-43R Primal Commander Scarlet (in homage to Optimus Primal in Beast War) by Iron Factory(Famous 3rd party transformers studio focusing on legends size toys) transforms into an armed gorilla. 


Said to be released in late 2024 (can be postponed or advanced). Full price USD52.99 (Might be adjusted after releasing). 

* For Pre-order item, pls read our Pre-order policy first (at the footer menu). 


Producer Iron Factory (IF)
Size Robot Form Approx. 12cm (4.5 Inches) Tall
Material ABS
Shipment From China
Note In homage to IDW Optimus Primal




Before you buy pls read our shipping policy (at the footer menu) carefully.


It takes us 1-4 business days to prepare for the order while the delivery time for our regular free shipment route may last from 19-59 business days depending on your location,


Q: Will I get a tracking No. after the parcel is shipped? Where to track the parcel?
A: You will get an automatic shipping confirmation mail from us including the tracking number The parcel can be tracked on all main tracking webs including 17track, Trackingmore, Trackingdog and etc.

Q: Why there’s nothing shown on the tracking web with the tracking No. you offered
A: If you can’t find any information with the tracking No. we offered, pls select “4PX”, “CNE”, “CNE Express” as the carrier and the tracking info. would be shown.

Q: Why there’s no update on my tracking for so long time.
A: Sometimes (10-20% possibility) the parcel would be stucked on the road, and only after it reaches the final destination country there would be new update on tracking. Pls kindly wait for up to 90 days (for our regular free shipment route) and 60 days (for our fast shipment route) and usually you will get the parcel, if not TFSAFARI would take care of it and give you refund or replacement (Pls contact us at tfsafari2002@gmail.com). Anyway our parcel lost rate is below 1/1500, so usually you will receive the stucked parcel finally.



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